Together We Can Create Jobs, Bring Hope and Transform Lives.
“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22: 37 – 39
God’s Commandment is to Love Our Neighbors

Chrysanthemums grown by farmers in Kenya are processed to produce pyrethrum, an organic pesticide.
We understand that these are difficult times. Especially now, it is critically important that we come together as God’s children to help our neighbors both at home and around the globe.
At Talanton, we are grateful that God has been good to us in the midst of these challenges. We continue to grow, our investment pipeline is expanding, plus strong local and international partners are in place. We seek to be faithful in following His leading and continuing to serve “the least of these.”
40,000 People’s Lives Already Impacted
Thanks to faithful investors, our first two clients already are upholding 300+ permanent and seasonal jobs, 5,000+ small farmers, 200+ students, and over 40,000 people’s lives.
Our First Loan Has Been Repaid
Proving our concept, Long Miles Coffee (LMC) has fully paid back their large short-term loan. In addition to the significant job numbers shared above, this loan yielded positive impact in 38 communities. We are now working with the LMC founders for a long-term investment to expand in Burundi this year and then explore a possible expansion into Uganda in 2021.
Investment Businesses in the Pipeline
After carefully screening 50+ faith-driven, growth-stage businesses with revenues of $500k – $5MM in East Africa, many are in various stages of due diligence. We currently are focusing on five of the most viable companies in the following industries:
Healthcare (hand sanitizer, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, hospital products, medical products, dialysis)
Agriculture Processing and Distribution Services (maize and food staples)
Organic Pesticide Biotechnology (supporting thousands of smallholder farmers)
High-End Coffee (supporting thousands of smallholder farmers)
Solar Energy (bringing reliable power to companies with thousands of workers)
Some of these companies will see increased demand during the crisis as they can immediately help their communities and beyond. Others will be timed to provide a rapid response during the recovery and growth phase – which we pray is coming soon.
To learn more about our due diligence process, take a few moments to read “Behind the Scenes: A Look Into Talanton’s Due Diligence Process, Q & A with Iris Wen”. We hope you and your families are staying healthy and connecting in a meaningful way. Please let us know how we can pray for you during these challenging times.
God’s Blessings, David and The Talanton Team
P.S. To learn how you can partner with Talanton to create jobs and pull people out of poverty in Christ’s name, please contact me directly or visit

Long Miles Coffee Washing Station and Farmer