Thanks to our supporters, Talanton has invested in eleven East African high-impact, job-creating businesses plus reinvested in two portfolio businesses!
These companies support many thousands of farmers, employees and students, bringing Hope and providing significant impacts to their families and communities. We are excited to report that a twelfth investment has been approved by Talanton’s Investment Committee and we are working on legal documentation with the goal to finalize this new relationship.
Talanton ended the year with $20MM in committed capital, which is an exciting achievement since our inception in 2019 and during Covid. We are grateful for your prayers and support as we continue to seek additional funds to continue our work to help “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40). The need to help more people living in deep poverty is urgent. Our first Insight Trip took place in November and we are excited to share some pictures from our visits to five investment portfolio businesses in Kenya and Rwanda.

In East Africa for Talanton's First Insight Trip!
Executive Summary
Financial Update - committed capital plus funding sources
Top Pipeline Opportunities
Highlights & Achievements
Insight Trip 2022 to Rwanda & Kenya - itinerary & pictures!
Investment Portfolio
Strategic Impact & Service Providers
Profiles of Eleven Businesses in Four East African Countries
Employment Growth Charts since 2019 Inception
Highlights and Key Activity Updates for Each Business
Please contact us to learn how together, we can create jobs and bring Hope to thousands of God’s children in need. We hope that you and your families are healthy and safe. God’s blessings, David and the Talanton Team P.S. You can join the growing community committed to bringing Hope and transforming lives across East Africa. Contact us to explore how to use a donor-advised fund to invest, to donate, or if you are a qualified client investor. Talanton’s next investment cycle closes on April 3, 2023.
Together ... We Can Create Jobs • Bring Hope • Transform Lives